Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord known bugs and early access issues
TaleWorlds Entertainment's sequel-prequel to the pop Mountain & Blade game is currently in early access on Steam and as such, information technology has a few issues that need ironing out. Since the game was released on March thirty, the development team has worked hard to curlicue out a patch nearly daily to ready reported problems.
With Mount & Bract II: Bannerlord here, in that location are a few bug you may encounter every bit you traverse the continent of Calradia. We've rounded upwardly known bugs, early access issues, and glitches impacting the game right at present.
Mountain & Blade 2: Bannerlord bugs, issues, and glitches
Hundreds of thousands of players accept already bought the game and loaded up Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, merely the successful early on admission launch hasn't gone without issues. Some players study frequent crashes, performance issues during specific parts of the game, as well equally a whole host of imbalance and glitches.
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord crashes
Crashes and overall game stability in Mount & Bract Ii: Bannerlord remains to exist 1 of the more popular result players proceed to experience. TaleWorlds Entertainment is working on rolling out fixes in the ofttimes released patches, merely still to this 24-hour interval you may encounter a crash here and there.
A bug reporter should open up upward in one case Bannerlord crashes, allowing yous to ship a report to the developer for them to look into the problem. It helps if you could provide a sentence or 2 about what made the game come to a sudden halt.
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord performance
Performance in the game can be a hit or a miss. For the bulk of your game time you'll enjoy butter-smooth action, but should you get into a hectic siege battle, your game will wearisome down considerably. Various reports from players seem to point to AI pathfinding, which seems to exist causing most of the siege-related issues but y'all may meet stuttering and sluggish performance elsewhere.
We recommend you ensure your GPU drivers are up-to-date equally well, to help eliminate any potential problems.
Mountain & Bract Two: Bannerlord corrupted saves
There take been numerous instances of save games becoming corrupt. E'er have more one manual save upwardly-to-engagement, but in case. If you're on the newer blastoff or beta branches, this should be carried out to prevent progress loss. Some accept found disabling Steam cloud synchronization to assist, but your mileage may vary.
Other Mountain & Blade Two: Bannerlord bugs and problems
Last updated: 10/28/2020 — Patch: e1.5.four
Nosotros're not tracking every bug here, omitting modest fixes and improvements. Be certain to keep an eye out for patch notes.
- Acknowledged: The game can sometimes launch selected with integrated GPUs.
- Acknowledged: The game can rarely crash when exiting the game while calling for a UI element.
- Acknowledged: The game tin can rarely crash while quitting the game.
- Acknowledged: The game volition crash if yous paste anything in the character creation screen.
- Acknowledged: Game crashes if the players do non enter any settlement and assail a neutral settlement while mercenary.
- Acknowledged: Crashes in bigger battles are existence investigated.
- Acknowledged: Assaulting Oristacarys Castle, attacking later destroying castle walls causes the game to crash.
- Acknowledged: The game might crash if the quick talk is used to talk with Radagos on the Rescue Family quest.
- Fixing: Massive performance striking in sieges due to AI pathfinding and other issues.
- Fixing: Sometimes the muter mesh visuals of certain scenes will not render every bit intended.
- Fixed: Game can crash when executing prisoners.
- Fixed: Some functioning spikes in certain missions.
Visual & Audio
- Acknowledged: 'vlandia_town_a' map has misplaced props in the air.
- Best-selling: Some of the villages have spawn points problems.
- Best-selling: Northern Sloven Leather armor on the female model is (quite literally) broken.
- Acknowledged: Using a ballista sometimes shows incorrect animations for the poor sod using it.
- Acknowledged: Rarely, victory shout triggers indefinitely after a battle among soldiers, causing headaches.
- Acknowledged: Detail stat differences displayed in the UI (red and greenish lights) may disconnect from the game.
- Acknowledged: Occasionally, tooltips may join your forces and travel with y'all everywhere.
- Best-selling: The patch version is shown incorrectly between game modules.
- Acknowledged: Incorrect number may exist shown when prisoner ransoming.
- Acknowledged: Some of the sliders do non have text inputs.
- Best-selling: UI bug regarding persuasion non showing correctly in some cases.
- Acknowledged: Character creation UI problems are being investigated. (And no, it's not the babies!)
- Acknowledged: Sometimes, when loading a entrada salvage, the game may switch names around.
- Acknowledged: No error messages for failed save and load game states.
- Acknowledged: Weaponsmith animations have some issues.
- Best-selling: Some of the character cosmos child animations are bugged.
- Acknowledged: Sitting on log animation is not working properly.
- Acknowledged: Sitting ground idles animations have wrong upper body animations.
- Acknowledged: Confront animations in encounter scenes need polish.
- Best-selling: Fishing rod model disappears from the animation after a conversation.
- Acknowledged: Players can crouch just before hideout cinematic causing the photographic camera goes inside the actor's trunk. This is not the intended design.
- Acknowledged: Companions play villager idle animations when on village scenes.
- Best-selling: Banner on the settlement menu does not get updated after the settlement is taken past other factions.
- Acknowledged: The kingdom we create is non shown on the Kingdom tab of the encyclopedia.
- Acknowledged: Clan imprint does not get updated after the association tier reaches level 2.
- Best-selling: Some beards/hair won't render on thumbnails.
- Best-selling: The wrong banner is shown on the tournament screens.
- Best-selling: Encylopedia will roll upwards if you click the back button.
- Best-selling: Beards are non showing on portraits.
- Acknowledged: Troops that are prepare to upgrade are non shown as gear up to upgrade on the prisoner window.
- Acknowledged: Very long names can hibernate information in certain menus.
- Best-selling: The second brother not showing upwardly in the characters tab.
- Acknowledged: South Empire'due south and Due west Empire'due south faction biographies are missing in the encyclopedia.
- Best-selling: Form Fitting Athletics skill perk effect is not applied to UI.
- Acknowledged: If the tutorial is non finished, the motility tutorial volition be shown in the deploy phases of sieges.
- Acknowledged: Notables habiliment different civilian equipment or their combat armor on quick talk. This is not the intended design.
- Acknowledged: Detail preview screen close buttons clickable area is non what shown in the game.
- Acknowledged: Game shows an incorrect number of wounded troops in some cases.
- Acknowledged: Portraits are occasionally generated without facial hair. We are investigating this issue.
- Best-selling: Character's voice type selection is not saved. We are investigating this upshot.
- Acknowledged: UI elements disappear afterward talking to a companion in town Keep
- Acknowledged: String Error for "Enable Tutorial" is known.
- Acknowledged: Long Named Tournament Prizes Overflows the UI Box
- Fixing: Sometimes grapheme portraits in the encyclopedia can have visual glitches.
- Fixing: Trade written report before hitting Done can block the whole screen.
- Fixing: Kill icon is displayed instead of the incapacitated icon.
- Fixing: Incorrect crossbow holster position when entering a scene. We are investigating this consequence.
- Fixing: Missing notifications on companion-led missions, such as 'Gold Proceeds', is being investigated.
- Fixing: Inconsistent quest icons on UI elements causing you lot to get on wild goose chases.
- Fixed: Some weapons can be shown equally two-handers twice in UI, requiring you to abound a further two limbs.
- Fixed: UI buttons in the order screen card can sometimes be located behind the UI.
Campaign Map
- Acknowledged: Crossed Swords icon on the campaign map might non disappear later on loading screens.
- Best-selling: Campaign map navmesh related issues. These are being investigated.
- Acknowledged: Arrmonac Villiage production icons are incorrect.
- Acknowledged: Stuttering camera movement on the campaign map is under investigation.
- Acknowledged: AI has bug regarding patrol behavior.
- Acknowledged: Villiage of Armonac has the wrong production icon on the campaign map.
- Acknowledged: There are two Aserai villages named 'Aiwalitas' in the game.
- Acknowledged: Some of the assets in the earth map is misplaced.
- Best-selling: Campaign map photographic camera gets stuck while moving automatically
- Best-selling: When besieging Flintolg Castle, the walls are seemingly located in the nearby river. It has no actual effect on gameplay.
- Acknowledged: Flying houses and textures in the earth map are known.
- Acknowledged: Hakkun Castle Siege artillery slot detection outside of the slot.
- Acknowledged: Siege Engines Pitching Rocks in the Ocean (Oristocorys Castle)
- Fixing: The character icon in the map might change to someone else also the player model.
- Fixed: Map notifications tin can get out the game.
- Fixed: Parties may keep moving when stationary, producing pace sounds.
- Acknowledged: Customized germination in the party is non saved.
- Acknowledged: Sometimes, the game will open a siege mission instead of opening a field battle.
- Best-selling: In some rare cases, the camera gets locked when the ballista is destroyed.
- Best-selling: Horsemen are using javelins in melee mode later ordered to hold fire. They should be using spears.
- Acknowledged: In some siege scenes, AI is having problems using the siege ladder.
- Acknowledged: Defend wall beliefs on AI has ... issues likewise.
- Acknowledged: Infantry with Javelin freeze if a friendly troop stands in the line of fire.
- Acknowledged: When all primary siege devices get broken, Attacker AI might non work equally properly.
- Acknowledged: Sometimes the battle society might not work as intended. Nosotros are investigating this issue.
- Acknowledged: The AI logic issues while defending in Sieges are known and being investigated
- Acknowledged: AI formation issues regarding the Defensive Circle order are known. This issue is being investigated.
- Acknowledged: AI agents are retreating when they are well-nigh the scene borders even if they are post-obit enemies to attack. This issue is existence investigated.
- Acknowledged: Soldiers slowing downwards while changing formation. This event is being investigated.
- Acknowledged: AI gets stuck in the broken battering ram. This is being investigated.
- Acknowledged: AI behavior noticeably different when left to their sergeants' control. This is being investigated.
- Stock-still: Faux battles provide more troop feel.
- Stock-still: No Combat AI difficulty settings.
Character & Party
- Acknowledged: Trait leveling doesn't work properly.
- Acknowledged: Some of the companions do not have any focus points allocated to their related skills.
- Best-selling: Character creation child animations are beingness looked at.
- Acknowledged: Some hair and beard selections practise non work.
- Acknowledged: Efficient charcoal maker perk is not working properly.
- Acknowledged: Facekey randomization not working properly across all game modes.
- Acknowledged: Graphic symbol creation pose issues are being investigated.
- Acknowledged: Food consumption problem causes the party to get stuck.
- Acknowledged: Sometimes the clan screen role selection is not shown correctly.
- Acknowledged: Poachers don't have banners.
- Acknowledged: Borrowed troops are counting in party size. This is not the intended design.
- Acknowledged: Issues related to companion political party creation. This possible exploit is being investigated.
- Acknowledged: Some banner icons are incorrect in the banner pick screen.
- Acknowledged: Actor hero name does not go saved when they change information technology.
- Acknowledged: At the start of the tutorial, the player is paying a wage to the brother. This is not the intended blueprint.
- Acknowledged: When freed prisoners recruited they exceed the political party size limit of the companions' parties.
- Best-selling: Some companions can spawn without traits.
- Acknowledged: If the player updates the banner color while they have a association political party, the parties banner does not get updated.
- Acknowledged: Companions have sometime prisoners to party over the limit. This is not the intended design.
- Acknowledged: Allies tin recruit troops in enemy towns. This is not the intended blueprint.
- Acknowledged: Companion Party disappears when disbanded, instead of adding to the garrison. We are investigating this issue.
- Best-selling: Sometimes enemy association members can reside on the histrion's castles as a complimentary man. We are investigating this event
- Acknowledged: Can't manage elderberry brother'southward equipment while in a party. We are investigating this issue.
- Best-selling: Clans with no live members cannot be kicked out of the kingdom.
- Fixing: Extra focus point outcome on the character cosmos system.
- Fixing: Some perks may not be working properly, including those from the trade skill.
- Fixed: In character creation, if a player has a male with a bristles and decides to modify gender, the beard is deleted when the player changes gender again.
- Fixed: Ending your mercenary contract with a kingdom results in a loss of relationship with the lords of the kingdom.
- Fixed: Beginning trading perks break item comparison colour tooltip feature.
- Fixed: Skill progression requires too much experience.
Kingdom & Diplomacy
- Acknowledged: At that place is no mercenary go out selection while talking with lords. This issue is being investigated.
- Acknowledged: Executing any lord decreases relations with random 5-6 clans. This is not the intended design.
- Acknowledged: Sometimes the Settlement Owner election starts with a filibuster.
- Acknowledged: Conclusion support percentage is incorrect in some cases.
- Acknowledged: Kingdom War and Peace decisions are being investigated.
- Acknowledged: Investigation ongoing regarding war score calculations.
- Best-selling: Quango of Commons law effects aren't working properly. This issue is being investigated.
- Acknowledged: In some cases, proposer clans do not take enough influence to propose kingdom decisions.
- Best-selling: Fief application votes are beingness investigated.
- Acknowledged: Relations with clan members don't decrease when we expel that clan as a king
- Acknowledged: Afterward alt+tab, clicking anywhere on the barter screen cancels the castling. This could lead to a crash when you endeavor to start barter again.
- Acknowledged: The prices in stores sometimes can be very much off from the value of items.
- Acknowledged: Transferring prisoners in bartering has issues.
- Acknowledged: Shop labels might be shown equally duplicate.
- Acknowledged: Aserai faction bonus doesn't touch every caravan.
- Acknowledged: Negative progress in settlement projects
- Best-selling: In certain towns, large NPC groups are spawned next to each other.
- Acknowledged: In some rare cases, the Hideout Boss party might get missing.
- Acknowledged: Some of the troop skills are not finalized yet.
- Acknowledged: Overall armor and equipment changes for NPCs are on the way.
- Best-selling: The role player gains food while starving.
- Acknowledged: Vlandia culture boardgame has broken visuals.
- Best-selling: With sure tattoos selected, your grapheme might not be rendered.
- Acknowledged: Bannerlord icon does non announced on the taskbar after the launcher is closed.
- Acknowledged: Some pots will pause again in the preparation area when entering and quitting sound options.
- Acknowledged: Some texts and some variables are still missing from the game.
- Acknowledged: Can't reassign or unassign a key that's already assigned.
- Acknowledged: Some of the baby-sit dialogue texts are missing.
- Acknowledged: Save game corruption.
- Acknowledged: The histrion tin can gift empty barters to other lords.
- Acknowledged: Role player's brother is listed in the spousal relationship castling screens. This is not the intended blueprint.
- Best-selling: Marriage barter tin sometimes show unintended characters for spousal relationship.
- Best-selling: No access to item inventory while persuasion bartering a lord. This is non the intended blueprint.
- Best-selling: The bug regarding the Tannery workshop are being investigated.
- Acknowledged: Shops might be selling user crafted weapons fifty-fifty if the player did not sell those weapons. This is being investigated.
- Acknowledged: Companion parties constantly lose morale except we take him to our army.
- Acknowledged: Some of the mercenaries battle equipment is missing.
- Acknowledged: Daily gold change occurs immediately later loading a salvage. This is non the intended blueprint.
- Acknowledged: Sometimes the towns tin have 0 prosperity. This issue is being investigated.
- Acknowledged: Settlements' garrison/militia are not affected past food stocks.
- Acknowledged: Villagers deliver appurtenances to the incorrect locations. This is being investigated.
- Acknowledged: The players are getting tributes from kingdoms way stronger than theirs. This is being investigated.
- Acknowledged: Crafted items ending up in shops and tournament prizes. This is under investigation.
- Best-selling: Vlandia and Empire tournament nearly ever advantage Helmets. Nosotros are investigating this issue.
- Acknowledged: Layered Robe and its derivatives weigh too much. We are investigating this effect.
- Fixed: Main Hero and his brother's ages in the logs are not logical.
- Fixed: Crafted items can lose stat changes when loading a salve game.
- Fixed: Lack of any higher tier armor in towns.
- Fixed: Skill levels lost when loading quondam version salvage game files.
- Stock-still: Prisoners like to grin.
- Fixed: The income from the town workshops is unbalanced.
- Fixed: Unable to recruit Aserai Recruits from Aserai Settlements
Quests & Dialog
- Acknowledged: The landowner needs access to common grounds quest gets timed out right later getting the quest.
- Acknowledged: Cease Conspiracy quest is non finished.
- Acknowledged: During Train Troops quest, if you lose a few of the borrowed troops and send the residue dorsum trained, the quest doesn't stop, information technology just stays under active quests.
- Acknowledged: Train Troops quest might disappear from the listing fifty-fifty if y'all fail.
- Best-selling: In Rival Gang Quest, vlandia_town_a loads as it is in Siege.
- Acknowledged: When the players lose 1 of the raider parties in the location and rescue tutorial quest, the opposite party are not getting exhausted. Hideout problems are existence investigated.
- Best-selling: In Rival Gang Quest, aserai_town_a has incorrect spawn points.
- Acknowledged: Army Of Poachers Issue related bugs are being investigated.
- Acknowledged: Rival Gang Moving In consequence tin can not neglect in some situations.
- Best-selling: When Extortion By Deserters consequence fails, the deserter party disappears.
- Acknowledged: In the Rival Gang Moving In quest, party screen shows only the prisoners instead of troops.
- Acknowledged: Merchant Caravan Escort issues reward is not specified.
- Acknowledged: Capture NPC quests completion time is really long.
- Acknowledged: Family Feud quest target tin offer the same quest.
- Acknowledged: At that place is a possible conversation loop on paying for peace.
- Best-selling: There might exist an error dialogue box when leaving looter chat.
- Acknowledged: When nosotros talk with NPC named Tacteos in the tutorial, he can be taken as a prisoner.
- Acknowledged: Players tin exist stuck in settlements after accepting a safe passage barter offer with lords.
- Acknowledged: Bribery dialogue does non open up when you speak to the lord's hall baby-sit. This is not the intended design.
- Best-selling: Making peace is cheaper than the safe passage option. This is not the intended blueprint.
- Acknowledged: Hero parties join the enemy parties when attacking looters.
- Acknowledged: Blood brother does not recognize character during the start interaction. This is non the intended design.
- Stock-still: The Spy Among Usa has some issues (wrong health, spy skill, disappearing candidates, etc).
- Fixed: Subsequently discussing the "Battle of Pendraic" with related nobles closes the conversation completely.
- Fixed: Some consequence quests' days remaining as a negative value.
- Fixed: Some quests to fail immediately when activated.
- Acknowledged: Prison Guards are disappearing when entering and exiting an interior scene in a town. This is not the intended blueprint.
- Acknowledged: The game sometimes names children the same name.
- Best-selling: Player graphic symbol's eyes don't focus on the agents at the get-go of the conversations.
- Best-selling: Having tournament arrows might change the harm type of your whole army. We are investigating this issue.
- Best-selling: The re-create and paste function doesn't work in the in-game encyclopedia.
- Acknowledged: Some agents in the scenes are walking too fast.
- Best-selling: Troops that died in rival gang quest gets resurrected afterwards the fight.
- Best-selling: The game might crash when invoking console.clear in Dev Console.
- Best-selling: Prisoners in besieged castle become neutral after the same castle is besieged by an enemy. Nosotros are investigating this issue.
- Acknowledged: The construction time calculations are incorrect. This is beingness investigated.
- Acknowledged: Pressing F1 right before the hideout boss cutscene causes the social club icon to show in the dialogue screen.
- Acknowledged: Prisoners donated to the settlement disappears immediately. This is being investigated.
- Best-selling: Tutorial Refugees but have one face preset. This is non the intended blueprint.
- Acknowledged: There is a bug that prevents workshops from spawning the about expensive equipment. This is being investigated.
- Acknowledged: Imperial board game AI bug are being investigated.
- Acknowledged: When the histrion has an unmounted companion in a cavalry&horse archer formation, equus caballus archers are referred to as Footmen.
- Acknowledged: Mounted unit morale rarely breaks. This is under investigation.
- Acknowledged: When our ally attacks the enemy that is attacking our settlement the text on the notification says due south/he is attacking instead of defending. We are investigating this issue.
- Acknowledged: Wanderer locations in the encyclopedia are sometimes wrong. We are investigating this issue.
- Acknowledged: Entering facegen via '' V '' reduces trunk build and weight to 0. We are investigating this event.
- Best-selling: Sometimes the aforementioned companion can spawn twice. We are investigating this issue.
- Acknowledged: Wearable issues between quick talk and regular talk options are being investigated.
- Best-selling: Backend analytics information consequence fixes are ongoing.
- Acknowledged: In that location are some users that can't log in with empty Login Failed dialogue boxes. This upshot is existence investigated.
- Best-selling: Missing server database lock for battle server states.
- Acknowledged: Anteroom players can see party invite UI elements for the players who are not playing Bannerlord.
- Acknowledged: Siege map Skala Landing issues are known.
- Acknowledged: If players' Steam names have special letters, their names on chat will be bugged.
- Acknowledged: Suggest to party UI does non change when the player becomes the party leader
- Acknowledged: Sometimes two different players tin can show with two unlike names on the server. We are investigating this issue.
- Acknowledged: Merlon text is shown whenever the players look at the merlons.
- Fixing: Some of the troop idle animations for Multiplayer are broken.
Mount & Blade Ii: Bannerlord
The successor to the pop Mount & Bract: Warband strategy game, Bannerlord adds plenty of improvements to brand this an fifty-fifty more immersive medieval experience.
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